
Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth Wuebbles
Despite extremely different life journeys, Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth have ended up in the same place: with an unwavering desire to find and remain in God’s will for their lives.
Anna grew up in a devout Christian home, dedicated her life to Christ at 13 years old, and went on several ministry trips by the time she was 18. Yet, although everything appeared well on the outside, Anna was warring with rebellion and apathy on the inside, a battle that eventually caused her to lay aside her Christian beliefs. Something was missing in her relationship with God, but she wasn’t sure what. Rather than seek the Lord for help and guidance, Anna chose to travel her own path for seven years. But God never let her go.
Mike, on the other hand, was unchurched, a poor student, a womanizer, and a drug hustler. Growing up, his greatest desire was to make it big as a rapper and enjoy all the trappings that came with that lifestyle. But one night, at the urging of his grandmother, Mike watched a movie that touched him so deeply that he gave his heart to Christ that evening, by himself, in the confines of his bedroom. His life would never be the same.
Over time, Mike abandoned the “pimp” mindset he had adopted, and began to fully embrace his newfound hunger to impact the world for the Kingdom of God. He transitioned his record label, MSP, to a nonprofit organization, Men Standing Positive. The new MSP was initially focused on community events and gospel outreach to some of St. Louis’ and Illinois’ most impoverished and dangerous neighborhoods.
In the meantime, Anna worked professionally in accounting but was pursuing photography as a hobby. She soon realized though that photography could be more than a casual pursuit—she was discovering a true gifting. While taking photos at a local ministry event, an individual with ties to MSP approached Anna about the organization and encouraged her to volunteer at one of MSP’s upcoming street outreaches. After speaking with an MSP volunteer coordinator in more depth about the group, Anna decided to take them up on their offer to serve with the MSP team at their next street outreach. That was in 2011 and the first time Mike and Anna met. Three years later, she became a more permanent MSP team member and discovered what had been missing for so long in her Christian journey: her true purpose and mission. Anna now had a genuine hunger and outlet to see lives transformed by the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Over the next several years, Mike and Anna partnered to expand the ministry’s outreach and services to include community events, evangelism training, and job placement and coaching through its mentor program. In 2017, after 2+ years of intense pre-marital counseling, Mike and Anna got married. Since 2012, MSP has seen 6,000+ people receive Christ through street outreaches and events; more than 250 people planted in church homes; 35+ people placed in community assistance programs; and over 5,000 meals given to individuals and families in need.
In 2020, Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth got a vision from God to start a church. They pioneered Building Kingdom Citizens, a church with an effective discipleship program created to make real disciples. Through many years of successful ministry with MSP, they have been able to transfer the MSP outreach strategy into BKC, helping shape the vision and mission of their church and discipleship program: VISION—Building Kingdom Citizens connects, transforms, and empowers individuals spiritually and naturally through strategic outreach and effective discipleship. MISSION-To develop disciples and ambassadors who impact the world for the Kingdom of God. They look forward to continuing to grow their discipleship program, as well as the coming physical church headquarters located in St. Louis, MO.
Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth are currently leading 7-day revivals nationwide, aimed at transforming and empowering the Body of Christ with authentic discipleship. With a new perspective on topics like the Kingdom of God, God’s Government, and the Sinner’s Prayer, they are bringing the heart-changing conviction that the modern American church needs.
In addition to their ministry commitments, Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth actively manage multiple businesses. Last Day Records, established by Paztuh Mike in 2013, serves as a positive faith-based record label for artists of all genres. Relevant Connection, another venture, provides comprehensive media, marketing, and design solutions to diverse businesses and organizations. Along with these, they also run StL Best Rentals, a vacation and long-term rental property business.
With a decade of doing ministry together, Paztuh Mike and Anna Elisabeth continue to grow and look forward to all of the lives God will impact through their church Building Kingdom Citizens, and Men Standing Positive. They eagerly anticipate the unfolding of God’s plans for the communities they are honored to serve.
To learn more about Paztuh Mike, click below: