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Class 01

Kingdom Revival

We as Christians often sit in church each Sunday, listen to a message, and go home to our own lives having no real transformation. So then, what's missing?

Class 02

God's Will or My Will Part One

Do you love your life more than God? In John 12:25 it says, "Those who love their life in this world will lose it.

Class 03

God's Will or My Will Part Two

So you want to follow God, but what exactly does He want you to do?

Class 04

Discipline and Correction

In Hebrews 12:6, it says, "The Lord disciplines the one He loves, and chastens everyone He accepts as His son."

Class 05


In the modern American church and perhaps other parts of the world, there is a counterfeit mindset that a Christian’s life is supposed to always be prosperous and easy.

Class 06

The Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God? How does it relate to me?

Class 07

Entering the Kingdom

Entering the Kingdom of God is a very serious matter. Jesus said to the Pharisee Nicodemus in John 3:3 “I tell you the truth, unless you are born again, you cannot see the Kingdom of God.”

Class 08

What is Love

Seriously though, what is love?? Unfortunately, our culture, upbringing, and life experiences have infected our perspective.

Class 09

Change Your Mind

As humans, we are not bound to remain the same, blaming everyone else around us for being just “the way we are”. Real change may be difficult, but it’s definitely not impossible. We can change our mind.

Class 10


In the Kingdom of God, holding onto offense is a huge deal. We often dismiss both the small and large offenses that are sitting inside our soul.

Class 11


How do you feel when someone challenges your faith? What thoughts come rushing through your mind?

Class 12

Judgment Day

Did you know that regardless of if you accepted Jesus or not, you will experience a Judgement Day before God?

Class 13

Evangelism Training

If the average Christian or churchgoer is honest, evangelism is scary.

Class 14


Many well-meaning Christians today struggle with leading and truly discipling others. It doesn’t make them mean people, they’ve simply been ill-equipped and misled.

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